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Artists and curators are invited to submit proposals for solo or group exhibitions at the Flood Gallery Fine Arts Center (solo or three artists or more). Current submissions will be considered for the 2023 calendar. Note: Due to the volume of exhibition proposal submissions, we are unable to send any form of response or feedback. No hard copy submissions are accepted. 

To Apply:

- Written cover letter with bio information.
- Up to 12 .JPG or PNG images

Artists will be accepted for exhibition in the 1000 sq. foot main gallery at the Flood Gallery Fine Arts Center. Total number of works displayed should be no more that 30 at a max. size of 4ftX7ft. vertical or 7ftX7ft square.  All work must be completed and framed at the time of submission. Any medium is accepted that is framed and is ready to be attached to the gallery walls. Submission does not imply exhibition in the gallery. Submitters agree that art could be used in the Halcyone Literary magazine.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.